♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

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♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby Seasonal » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:09 pm

Welcome to the thread to talk about crushes, boyfriends, and girlfriends, V5!
At this thread, you can talk about pretty much anything as long as it involves crushes, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc.

Have any questions? Go to this website first thing before you say anything, trust me, it's worth a visit. It has loads of information about all kinds of things you might want to know (And should know!) and even some games that are pretty sweet. (I suggest My Paper Boyfriend or My Paper Girlfriend, they're pretty great for seeing how well you would do in a relationship, or if you're doing something horribly wrong.)


Make sure to take a really good look around! It's very informative, one of my favorite sites.


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How do I know if a guy/girl likes me, and how do I get him/her to like me?

Nimble's Answer wrote:You know, it really depends. Here are a few helpful videos:

7 Ways to Get a Guy to Like You. (Article)
How to tell if a guy likes you. (1)
How to tell if a guy likes you. (2)
How to tell if a girl likes you.
How to get a guy to like you. (1)
How to get a guy to like you. (2)
How to get girls to like you.

So, I really hope those help you. :) That first one really says it all, I suggest you all give it a watch.

Boys are SO confusing! How do I understand them?

Nimble's Answer wrote:Pretty much just read that link. Though, keep in mind that boys aren't confusing, the particular boy/s you're thinking of are confusing. Boys and girls can both be confusing. Just try and remember that. ^.^

I want to ask someone out, but I'm really nervous. What are some good tips for keeping my cool and saying the right things?

Nimble's Answer wrote:Here's an idea: Walk up to him, then say, "Hey, so, um, I really like you. As more than just a friend."

Bam. Magic.

Drink some tea to calm your nerves, eat some mints, wear a push up bra, and go for it. The worst he can say is "I hate you," and that's more than unlikely. If he says he doesn't feel the same way, play it cool. Say you're ok with that, you understand, then once you're alone call a friend and watch the Notebook while shoveling ice cream into your mouth like the tears pouring out of your eyes.

I'm just kidding.

Do step one, and if he rejects you, it's not the end of the world. Honestly. There will be other guys, and chances are, they'll like you back and be 10 times better than the last. It's a 50/50 chance, so you've got to just jump for it. Tell him how you feel, and don't freak if he does say no. Look up some ways to relax, do a little bit of yoga and then call him or meet up with him. If you're going to see him at school or youth group, wait until you can get him alone, or ask him for a minute. Just a simple, "Can I have a minute?" will clear crowds, seriously.

When you're doing it, just take a deep breath before you start speaking. Remember to breath; if I know one thing about public speaking, it's that while you think you've been paused for 30 seconds, in reality it was only 2. What I'm trying to say, is, your pauses in speaking are way shorter than you think they are when you're nervous, so don't be afraid to slow down. Try and keep your hands in check; if you're rubbing them together you might come off as crazy or just insanely nervous. Being nervous isn't a very attractive quality when asking someone out, and IMO rejection is more likely. Then again, if he's a sweetheart he'll just think it's cute. But that's rare.

So, in short, these are my tips for you:
  • Keep it short and simple; if you talk too much you might go too fast and your words will jumble together.
  • Keep your hands by your sides; don't fiddle.
  • Remember to breath; your breaks in your speaking are shorter than you think.
  • It's not the end of the world if he says no. If he rejects you, take a deep breath, say "Oh, alright. Thanks anyways," smile, and walk off. Staying cool in rejection is a sure-fire way to keep them running. In your direction. It's sexy to be fine with rejection, and can in fact make him feel a bit unwanted. It might make him feel like he's not worth being sad about being rejected by, so he might change his mind and say yes.

    You know how I said it was sexy? It really is. Imagine if you just told someone you didn't like them the way they did you and so you tell them no for a date, would you prefer them saying: "Oh.. Um... Ok... Uh.. Bye.." and awkwardly running off with their eyes tearing up, or would you prefer the one who looks like they know what they're doing when speaking, and after facing utter rejection says: "Oh, alright. Thanks anyways," smiles, and struts away? Much sexier. It'll make you desirable, trust me.

I really hope this helps, and good luck!

Being Girl's Answer wrote:
How to Talk to Guys:

How to talk to boys tip: 1

Guys like to talk about themselves. All people do. One of the easiest ways to get to know a boy is to ask him questions. You could ask, "What did you think of that test this morning?" or ask about some sport he's interested in. Don't ask questions that could be answered by yes or no, 'cause then the conversation is over. Music, TV shows, and movies are also good topics.

How to talk to boys tip: 2

Laughter is contagious. A wise man once said, "Laughter is the best medicine," and he was right. When you're happy and laughing, it's contagious, so don't be afraid of showing off your sense of humor. If making people laugh is not one of your strengths, search the Internet for jokes or fun anecdotes that you can bring up in conversation.

How to talk to boys tip: 3

Don't be a chatty Cathy. No one likes a chatterbox. When we're nervous, we all tend to ramble on, but overpowering a conversation and forgetting to ask questions shows a person you're not interested in hearing about them. Look for clues. If he's wearing a baseball cap, ask him how his team is doing. If he plays a particular video game, ask about his highest score. These types of questions will definitely instigate a conversation.

How to talk to boys tip: 4

Don't be so focused on impressing him that you're tempted to lie. While we all tend to embellish the truth a bit, you are much better off being open and honest. Lying about who you are will only come back to haunt you later on. Share the parts of your life that are most rewarding: your friends, your family, and your personal interests. Don't be afraid to talk about what you do best. It's not showing off. It's sharing.

How to talk to boys tip: 5

Try flirting. You don't have to read a book to know how. It's easy after you've tried it a few times. Flirting is a great way to show someone you're interested in getting to know them better. It's harmless and fun. Make eye contact. Offer him a smile. You'll be surprised how you'll naturally figure it out!

How to talk to boys tip: 6

Get up your courage and move out of your comfort zone. What's the worst that can happen? There's not a person alive who hasn't experienced rejection...and we haven't heard anyone die from it yet! Get involved in activities you enjoy and conversation will flow. Just make sure the boy you approach is worthy of someone as special as you. Remember our "how to talk to boys tips" next time he comes around. and you will be wondering why it was so hard before.

Hope this stuff helps!(:

I think I'm starting to like this person (who may or may not already be my friend), but I'm already in a relationship/don't want to contaminate our friendship. What do I do?

Nimble's Answer wrote:Don't worry about it. If you just want to be friends, that's what your relationship will be. If they wants something more, that's ok too. It makes it harder, but they're not worth it anyways if they would want you to force you into dating. If you don't want to like them, you don't have to. You are in control of your feelings, why do you think they're called yours? They're not your mom's, they're not your friends. Your feelings aren't any of ours either; they're yours. Do what you want with them, and place them where you wish.

People in this society say you can't choose who you love. But the thing is, you can. It's really not hard. Like I said multiple times, they're your feelings.

I think I'm in love, but I'm really young. Is this a bad thing?

*~ҒƖЯЄƜѲЯƘ~*'s Answer wrote:Love takes time. It's like ... cookie dough! It's so sweet and great when it's raw, but it can make you sick and it's not that great, but when you let it bake for a while, and then you try it. It really truly does taste beautiful - and you wonder why you ate the dough in the first place. Because eating cookie dough is for children. It's really adults - or more mature people - who know how to bake real good yummy cookies.

Nimble's Answer wrote:Like Firework said, love takes time. It is TOTALLY possible that you're in love. The average person falls in love around 6 times in their lifetime, and it's generally known that after 4 solid months of having a crush on somebody you're in love. But even if you are in love, you are young, and you have to be careful. You don't want to eat too much cookie dough because you'll get sick. A little bit of it is ok, but if you eat so much of it from so many different batches, you might find yourself unable to eat any of the golden crisp cookies. No, it's not a bad thing, but take things really slow. Don't act like you see your mom act with her boyfriend. Act like the person you're in love with is your best friend. That's the real deal: The love that lasts forever. You don't need all those romantic things, you don't even need to kiss each other. Just be best friends until you're old enough to eat the baked cookies, because then you'll really enjoy it.

What do couples even do? I'm in a romantic relationship now, but I've no clue on what we..do.

Nimble's Answer wrote:Your partner should be your best friend. You should never do anything you don't want to do or are uncomfortable with. But don't be afraid to try new things, like holding hands for one. I knew a young couple that had just gotten together. A group of us went out to the carnival and I convinced them to hold each others hands. They were walking around the carnival holding hands so tightly I thought that they were just going to snap their fingers right off. My friend later told me that she "felt like she was claiming him or something", but in a nice way. Trying new things like that is a great way to further the relationship.

Start small. Go on group dates. Get some people together to go to the mall, or the park or something. Go out and see a movie with them, go out to the beach/lake on a nice day and get ice cream. Just do things that you would do with your best friend, seriously.

Oh no! My mom/dad just found out who I like and I'm freaking out! What do I do?!

Garrus' Answer wrote:You could try denying it, although since s/he already knows [and depending on how convincing a liar you can be] it's possible that s/he'll see through it. Alternatively, ignore her/him and everyone else. But what I would do is communicate with her/him - try to talk to her/him, politely let her/him know that her/his behavior is making you feel awkward, uncomfortable, upset or whatever else [etc] and that you'd prefer and appreciate it if s/he please wouldn't do that. Also request that s/he keep your feelings about this person private, since it's your private, personal business and you'd rather it was not broadcasted to all and sundry, because you'd find that embarrassing. If you don't feel that you can say that to her/him face-to-face, consider writing her/him a letter. Or laugh off the playful teasing, put it down to banter and move on.

I told my friends about who I liked, and now they keep teasing me about it in front of them and trying to get us together. I don't even like them THAT much! How do I get them to stop?!

Nimble's Answer wrote:Ha, been there, done that. Believe me, I know how you feel. It's not fun to be teased about who you like. But the best way to avoid it is to just laugh it off. Plus, they might even start to like you for it. ;) Here's what you do.

  • First of all, when they start to tease you or wink at you (AKA, make it very obvious that you like them) in from of the person you like, DO NOT REACT. By hitting them, telling them to shut up, saying "I DO NOT!" or any other kind of denial, you make it obvious to the person you like that you like them. This is embarrassing for everyone. Instead, laugh it off and joke with them. It might take them by surprise, making them stop, and even of it doesn't do that it'll at least make it so that special someone doesn't clue in.
  • Talk to your friends and explain to them exactly how you feel. Tell them they're being jerks, and you don't even like the person all that much. Even if you like them tons, still tell them that. It's the only way to get them off your back. I had a guy called Ricky liking me. I knew he liked me because when his friend was teasing him about it in front of my face, he reacted because it bothered him. At the dance, I ran into his friends and they said, "Wait, are you *Nim*?!" "..Yes?" "OH! We HAVE to get you together with Ricky!" This is a major turn off for me, and most girls/guys. If someone is trying to force me into a relationship, then when the time comes for that person to really ask me out I start to think that it wasn't really their idea to ask me. This causes distrust off the bat, and that's never a good thing in a relationship. It's the same for everyone else. Turns out that at the end of the night, Ricky didn't even like me anymore because his friends had turned him off of my by trying to get him to like me. Forcing feelings is not cool, and doesn't even work. (It was a shame, because Ricky was pretty cute. ;D)
  • If you're doing this to a friend (Teasing them about the person they like; teasing them about the person they like in front of the person they like; trying to get your friend to ask them out even if you know they don't like them that much; trying to get the person they like to ask your friend out behind their back) STOP IT. I'm serious, knock it off. You're setting your friend up for embarrassment and misery. A forced relationship isn't going to end well. Ever. DON'T EVER FORCE YOUR FRIEND INTO A RELATIONSHIP.

So, don't react, don't force feelings/your friend into a relationship, because it only leads to disaster. It's like bullying. If you don't react at all, they'll stop because it's no fun.

My boy/girlfriend and I are really happy together...Is it possible to be too happy?

Darkest.Nation's Answer wrote:There's a point where couples hang out too much, where they become bored of each other or end up needing space to recuperate afterwards. It sound like you two are deep in the relationship, but not spacing out your time together.

One element of a relationship is what I'd call "surprises". Keep the relationship interesting by doing things on your own. When you meet again, you can tell each other about your nights out, your activities. Another way to keep up the "surprises" thing is to go slowly about telling things about each other, or discussing things in general. One day, discuss colors that you like and why. Compare them to stuff in everyday life. The next day, talk about cars (you can also talk about colors again, if you feel you need to share more). Which ones are your favorite, and why? Is there something you'd really like in a car in 30 years? What color would you want your car to be? Keep it interesting so that there's always something new to talk about. Keep some things about yourself hidden. It adds an excitement and "surprise" factor and keeps you two returning to each other.

Discuss "deeper" things. I'm not sure if you guys are at the age where you take college-level courses, write and perform speeches weekly, and have in-class debates, but discuss more serious topics sometimes. (Having a different opinion is just as good as sharing an opinion. We thrive, as a species, as a mammal, with diversity.) Perhaps talk about health. Maybe discuss issues revolving around the educational systems in your area. Whatever is interesting to (or bothering) you.

Although becoming "too happy" isn't exactly bad, it can make you blind to other issues in the relationship. Are you guys a physical affection and small-talk couple, or can you guys do complex activities as a team while enjoying it and improving upon yourself? You're probably at the end of the "honeymoon" stage right now -- enjoy it.

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Postby skies » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:11 pm

    Mark if I need this in the future. <3
    And FIRST heheheh...
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby Silver Pandorica » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:14 pm

Mark <3
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby Athaerys » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:21 pm

Markkk :3
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby godot » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:27 pm

something something WIP

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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby Kiwilady » Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:29 pm

Ok so I think I'm still in love with my ex, any tips anyone can give me?
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby broker » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:17 pm

kiwilady wrote:Ok so I think I'm still in love with my ex, any tips anyone can give me?

    Hey there!!

    First things to consider is, what was the reason for the end of the relationship? If it was a serious and valid reason for a breakup, personally I don't advise reuniting. (If it's something you're going to pursue no matter what--just take a few days to seriously think it over, chat between some close friends/family about it ♥)

    If it was something a little less extreme, consider the other partners feelings. Are they ready to get in a relationship again? Are you ready to fully commit to this person again? Will you two try to overcome what made you fall apart in the first place, or is there another breakup in store for the future?

    If you're sure on a couple of things--I'd encourage you not to go back into the relationship--but perhaps focus on being friends for now. n____n are you two still in touch regularly?
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby DYANII » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:20 pm

writing kind of small because it's more of a rant then needing advice

Lmao i don't get how people can confess to their crushes? i'm so scared of rejection because I always thought I was ugly
and I'm the only black person at my school (i know kind of dumb to think about) but people would make fun of us
since i'm black and he's white :') serisouly not joking when I say I'm the only black person(not counting the 1 half black person because they don't get made fun of because they are on the whiter side ),their are 5 other indian people in the whole 9 sections we have
and it drops my confidence really bad, mostly when people ask how do I keep my hair straight if I can't get my hair wet and I have to take showers it's called a shower cap you idiots. the first time i wore my hair natural people told me it was ugly and didn't even understand how my hair can curl in water. then people started asking "how often do I wash my hair then?"no I can't wash my hair every other day My would be much worse,I need the oils because my hair isn't like yours.
"okay but explain furthur why you can't was-"
what you want me to say? My hair isn't the same. I don't wash my hair every day because I need the oils to keep my hair healthy
Like when i even tell people close to the 1-2 week range they are so terrified and tell me thats why i have broken ends.
No, it's because I straighten my hair because I feel uncomfortable with my natural hair since I'm made fun of and recently haven't been taking care of it because I'm stressed for finals.
My crush was the only one to tell me anything positive " i think it's 10/10"
at least he made me feel a little better and cares for my feelings even if he thought it was ugly.
lmao why are my crushes always nice to me yall making me get the wrong idea.
(also forgot to add another one of my friends thought it was really pretty and said I should wear my hair like that again.
so I got a total of 2 people out off all 20 of my main friends and about 27 of my semi friends)

o well rant over had to get them ideas flowing ya know

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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby frobischer » Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:42 pm

hhhah i'm so 🙃 rn (i'm not sure if this is really an ask or a rant)

i think things r going rly well with this guy?? we're good friends & talk almost every day, about all kinds of stuff, and that's all good and everything, but,,,
there's this other girl, and while i don't think he's really interested in her, she definitely is in him and she's heckin trying real hard.
so i don't really think it's that much of a problem but it is kind of making me scream inside lately ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk
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Re: ♥Crushes, Boyfriends, and Girlfriends | V6♥

Postby Kiwilady » Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:29 pm

Tweet wrote:
kiwilady wrote:Ok so I think I'm still in love with my ex, any tips anyone can give me?

    Hey there!!

    First things to consider is, what was the reason for the end of the relationship? If it was a serious and valid reason for a breakup, personally I don't advise reuniting. (If it's something you're going to pursue no matter what--just take a few days to seriously think it over, chat between some close friends/family about it ♥)

    If it was something a little less extreme, consider the other partners feelings. Are they ready to get in a relationship again? Are you ready to fully commit to this person again? Will you two try to overcome what made you fall apart in the first place, or is there another breakup in store for the future?

    If you're sure on a couple of things--I'd encourage you not to go back into the relationship--but perhaps focus on being friends for now. n____n are you two still in touch regularly?

We broke up for multiple reasons, mostly like values such as what we think about abortion and having kids etc etc mostly to do with how different our culture is

I would be willing to fully commit to him and I know he still feels for me but I don't know how plausible it is now I'm in uni and about a 7 hour drive away

Yes we are still like best friends, we talk all the time and he's coming up to seee me at uni for the weekend next weekend so I'm super excited but just yeah, I don't wanna be that person and say something which causes me to lose him as a friend you know?

He is the one that broke up with me not the other way round too
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