Site update news

25th January 20


Happy Chinese New Year!

January 25th, 2020 is the first day of the new year in the traditional Chinese calendar. This year is the year of the Rat.

Find out your zodiac animal and celebrate Chinese New Year with us by clicking here!

Show us how your pets celebrate in our CNY Dress Up Challenge!

1st January 20


Happy New Year!
Can you believe we are entering a new decade? Here's to another year of pet collecting, fun events, sharing art and more! To celebrate make sure to check out the dog page! for a gift! They are available for a couple of days only!

Don't forget to check out our Dressup Challenges for this month!

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And of course, there are new pets to adopt for January!

We've now switched back to our regular green site theme, but if you're still feeling the chill of Winter, you can change back to the "CSChristmas" board theme from your "my account" page.

26th December 19

Today's the 5th day of Hanukkah! Grab some pjs and blankets from the event page :)

25th December 19


Merry Christmas! These are our last gifts and they'll be available until the end of the month, so don't worry if you can't get online today.

Our Hanukkah event is still running so be sure to keep up with that!

23rd December 19

Today's the second day of Hanukkah, so there's another flame available on the event page for you to add to your menorah!

It's now December 23rd on CS and there are just a few days left of our Advent Calendar. The last advent gifts will be given on December 25th. Those final gifts will remain available until the end of December, so don't panic if you can't get online on Christmas Day! :)

22nd December 19

Happy Hanukkah!
Check our Hanukkah Event Page for some gifts our staff have prepared for you! Our celebrations last until December 30th so don't forget to pick up your Hanukkah gifts each day until then!

20th December 19

Don't miss today's gifts!

Perfect for dressing your pets for this month's Dress-up Challenge!

Want more space? Create a Dress-up Scene for all your pets!

19th December 19

December 18th is now over on Chicken Smoothie!
We hope you were able to adopt something special :)

It's December 19th here and the Advent is continuing with its daily gifts so remember to keep visiting each day! Today's gifts were made by one of our newest Guest Artists, Schnuffel Bunny!