Site update news

1st September 15

It's a new month on CS, which means new pets to adopt!


This month we celebrate with our annual all-staff dog litter! This year we had outcomes from Atwood, Bentley, Berkshire, Bernouli, cataract, Chia, DoctorDraca, endeavour, Ethulai, Fiery Gatoh, Graham, Jadeghost, Lacuna, Lilian Nightshade, Metallic Dragon, misneach, Nadine, Orchid Sprig, PitchBlack, Pluma, Saikiyo, Schuyler, sketchi, Solloby, Vampiric, Verdana, and Yağmur!

See if you can guess which artist made which pet as they grow up!

26th August 15


There are some cool new jackets and scythes available in the Store!

The scythes can be found in the accessories store category and were made by DoctorDraca.
The jackets are found in the casual clothes category and were made by Atwood.

11th August 15

The new store pets have landed!
Click here to check out the newest store pets, made by Berkshire!

Atwood has also been busy updating the jackets & coats from the store's "casual clothes" category so they now fit many more species! These items now auto convert to fit: dogs, cats, kittens, puppies, butterfly wolves, bunnies, deer, lions, rats, fennec foxes, syrian hamsters and dwarf hamsters! Here are some examples:
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10th August 15

Sorry for the downtime, our Web host is having some troubles over the last hour.

We're disabling the Oekaki painting tool until the problems are fixed, and some drawings will fail to load. We hope to have that back in the next couple of hours!

EDIT: the Oekaki should now be back online.

9th August 15

The Candy Summer Event is now over, but don't fret - Vampiric has made a few more super tasty avatars for our free avatar gallery!

Click here to tell us your favorite things about the Event!

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You can find these avatars in the "Other" category in the free avatar gallery. Click here for info about changing your avatar and using the free avatar gallery!

If you participated in the Candy Summer Event, you should now find some cool new Summer 2015 stamps in your "My Stamps" folder of your stamp collection!

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Click here for discussion and information about the stamp collection!

8th August 15

Thanks for joining Avian and Totoro on their 2015 Summer Vacation!

Choctopus has now returned to the Salted-Caramel Sea, happy that we are taking good care of her baby choctopi. With no more earthquakes expected, Teddy has been able to repair the damage to Sucrose City. The citizens are happy to get back to work, supplying the world with sweet sugary goodness.

I wonder where Avian and Totoro will go next year!

Our next site event will be in October when we celebrate Halloween, so keep an eye out for that!

7th August 15

Today is the last day to trade in the tokens you collected during our Summer Event, so don't miss out!

There's a countdown timer on the main Summer Event page to let you know how much time you have left.

4th August 15

Our Mid-Summer Event is now over! We hope that everybody had fun!

You can no longer hunt for tokens in our site-wide hunt, or dig up tokens at the farm, but if you have some tokens still left to trade in then you still have 4 days to trade those in. There's a countdown timer on the main Summer Event page to let you know how much time you have left.